Game Settings
Game Settings
Who can use these features: Admin, Manager, Designer
Game Status
The Game Status defines whether a game should be considered active or not. The status can be toggled between the following statuses:
Active: This means that the game counts as an active Game link. This is especially significant for One Game licenses which only allow one active game link at a time. Games also need to be active to work in Gamification scenarios and/or to send payloads if added to webhooks.
Draft: The game is currently only a draft and will be populated with banners notifying you that the Game is still in draft mode. It is not counted as an active game link.
Expired: This status will automatically appear if a Game has been populated with specific start and end dates. Once the Game passes the end date, the Game Status is changed to Expired by the system.
Split game
Turning this feature on will give you the possibility to split your Game, meaning you could have e.g. 4 competitions during a month to run weekly competitions with your Game URL.
How to set up Split Game: Adding monthly time periods to my game
In the selected Game go to Game Setting → General Settings and set a Start - and End Date for your Game
Scroll down to Activate Split Game and select Yes to activate
In the popup, set your first Game period
Click on add time period and add the desired number of periods
Add a single time period:
To add a single time period, set the desired End Date after opening the add time period popup.
After that, hit update and the added time period will appear in the table.
Add multiple time periods
To add multiple time periods at once, select Add Time Periods, and in the popup, select Multiple Time Periods.
Select the start date of your second period and add the number of periods you want to create, along with the number of days each period should contain. Please ensure that the start date of the multiple time periods doesn't overlap with the first game period that you created.
The Views feature enables you to create custom text boxes that you can connect to a desired URL. You will also have the opportunity to decide if you want the boxes to be visible before a user has played a game round, or after. This feature most resembles a classic Call To Action button which can be found amongst other online platforms and media.
How to add Views to your game
In the selected game, go to Game Setting → Views and activate views
Select if you want the Views to be displayed before the game starts, or after the player has played a game round.
Add text, an optional URL link, and style to your view
(optional) Add more views by clicking the + add view button, when doing this make sure to change the Top value in styling so that the views don’t overlap with each other.
The challenge function enables you to trigger an event upon a player reaching a certain score. This is the most commonly used functionality when setting up competitions in Flarie Studio Games. This feature can trigger different types of events based on the settings you choose.
How to set up a challenge in game
You can set up a challenge in Game by activating the challenge-setting
In the selected Game, navigate to Game Settings → Challenge and activate Challenge.
(optional) Set a target score for your Challenge to encourage your players to play more of the Game. Don’t forget to edit your text to fit your Game. If you are unsure of what Game Score to set, we suggest playing the Game a few times to get an idea of what a good limit would be. If you need suggestions, do not hesitate to contact us for some guidance.
Select a Reward type from the 5 available options. Read more about the reward types here.
Reward Types
Different reward types for challenge
Coupon Code - Same for everyone: This reward type will make distribution for one code available through a selected distribution method. It’s perfect if you want to distribute a discount code to all players who have completed the challenge.
Coupon Code -Unique for everyone: This reward type makes uploading of codes to distribute available. The code will be displayed through your selected distribution method. This option is good if you want to control the number of rewards that are getting distributed. You can upload an unlimited number of codes, just make sure there are enough codes for each player. If they are all used up, new players won't be able to gain a code, as they are unique to each player who has completed the challenge
URL -Same for everyone: This reward type will create a CTA button with one single destination. It’s perfect if you want your players to visit e.g. a specific website after they complete the challenge. You can set the URL in your selected distribution method.
URL-Unique for everyone: This reward type will generate a CTA button that is unique for every player in the selected distribution method. This reward type is good if you want to limit the number of URLs that you are distributing. You can upload an unlimited number of URLs, just make sure there are enough URLs for each player. If they are all used up, new players won't be able to gain a URL, as they are unique to each player who has completed the challenge
Form - Ask users for data: Reward type Form will instead of a reward in-game popup trigger a form where the players that have completed the challenge will be able to fill in the form with the specific data parameters that you choose to set up after they have finished playing the Game. The data will then be added to the user’s ID and gathered in the User Base. This reward type is an excellent way to gather information about your players such as their Email and Name.
Tips: In Manage brand assets → Form Parameters you can create new form parameters that you want to add to the form.
Display the reward in-game
Make the reward available to your players after they complete the challenge, by enabling reward in the game.
How to Set up Reward in Game
- Activate the Reward In-Game setting in the challenge
- Change the text and style to suit your game. Depending on the selected reward type different styling options will be available.
Email distribution
Send an email to all players that have completed the challenge with their reward, by enabling email distribution.
Set your email sender so that the player knows who the sender is. The email sender will be defaulted to your brand name but can be edited.
Set the text and style of your email. You can also use the Send Test Email function to send a replica of the mail that will be distributed to the players.
Tips: In Manage Brand Assets → Brand Email you can set the email sender and style for all Emails and save time on future Emails.
Multi Entry
Motivate your players with an increased chance of winning by entering the challenge multiple times.
Activate multi-entry in the Challenge settings
Set a limit to how many times a player can enter the challenge. You can set if the limit should be daily or total for the game period.
Style the text to fit your game
Manage Challenge Winners
In Manage Winners you can see the list of all players that have completed the challenge, along with their high scores. Read more about Manage Winners here
User Base
The User Base functionality is used to enable the collection of different forms of personal data/user data. The main thing that you will select in the User Base section is the type of player identifier that you want the game to have. A unique identifier is required to use some functionality such as Prizes and Winners.
Different types of identifiers
Unique Browser: This option identifies the user by placing a token in their browser. If the user changes the browser, a new token and identifier is created for that user.
Email: This option identifies the user by the email address that they submit. If the user changes the email address, a new token and identifier is created for that user.
Mobile Number: This option identifies the user by the Mobile Number that they submit. If the user changes the Mobile Number, a new token and identifier is created for that user.
URL Parameter: With this option, you can add player information to the game URL. Add the desired parameters below and append them to your URL. Example:{parameter}={your_value}.This functionality also allows you to collect multiple parameters of data from the users before they can access the game. There are several different parameters available in the “+Add Parameters”-popup
Select whether you want the parameter to be based on User input through a Form, or a URL parameter, which will be appended to your Game URL.
If you have selected “User Input”, make sure you add a descriptive name in the Input Field Text so that the player can easily understand what information to provide.
Furthermore, you can style the look and design of the form fill that appears when collecting different types of data parameters from the users. This include Form Title, Terms & Conditions Text, Start Game Button-text etc.