

Branded Games offer a unique opportunity to engage and connect with audiences. In this guide you will learn how to take advantage of this new marketing phenomenon to boost loyalty for your brand, service, or product, and in doing so drive increased revenue for your business.

We will show how you can achieve increased loyalty, not just through the act of building and distributing your own enjoyable branded games, but also how you can use them as natural mechanics for distributing added value, such as prizes and points. You can also see how other brands are using branded games to supercharge their loyalty initiatives. 

So download our free 24 page guide and learn:  
1. What is loyalty: Defining loyalty, why it is increasingly difficult to achieve and the main levers companies can pull to help deliver it
2. Branded Games and Why They Work:  What are branded games aka advergames, and what makes them such an effective loyalty tool 
3. Get Started: How you can use build branded games to secure greater loyalty, including:
    a. Answering the question “How can I add value”
    b. Building your program (games and point systems)
    c. Rewards (and the “size of the prize”)
    d. Distribution across the right touchpoints 
4. Case: Lean how INGO  (the nordic fuel-filling company), built a game-based loyalty program, to help deliver 82 minute average playtime in their app and thousands of re-fuels. Even try the game for yourself!  


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