
Who can use this feature: Admin, Manager, Analyst

In the Analytics page you can view data of how all your created Games are performing. You can filter the data to be shown for a specific Game or Game Center or view the overall performance for all your Games within the selected dates in the Date Filter


The data points that can be found are:

Players: Amount of unique players/devices that have played the Game in total
Returning players: The addition of daily unique players. Each player/device can be counted once per day
Total time spent [H]: Total amount of active playtime in hours
Time per player [Min]: Average active playtime by player in minutes
Clicks: The amount of CTA clicks generated in the Game
Total rounds: Total amount of Game Rounds finished
Rounds per Player: Average amount of Game Rounds per player
Game Loads: The amount of times the Game has loaded by players
Unique Game loads: The unique amount of players/devices that has loaded the Game
Completed Challenges: The amount of challenges completed by players in Game


You can see the stats broken down per Game in the Game Table below the graph.