Design Assets
This is where you can add your custom design to your Game. Each Game has 5 to 20 different brandable assets including the background, players, obstacles, enemies and pickups. Use your favourite design tool to help create the different assets for the game. Then simply drag and drop your assets into Studio and the game is instantly updated.
Make sure to use the correct image sizes and file formats. Different Games may have different requirements for the image size needed for the game to function correctly. Each asset have the image size requirement listed under the description.
There is also the possibility to brand the screens and buttons before and after your Game so don't forget to add some creativity and personal touches to those as well.
Lastly, be mindful of contrast when designing. Ensure that objects and pickups stand out clearly against the background to keep gameplay smooth and visually engaging.
If you need a template on how to create a specific design asset download the existing asset from that Game and open it in your design tool of choice. Simply click the 'download' button in the bottom right corner of the asset and design away.