Time Period & Split Game
Turning this feature on will give you the possibility to split your Game, meaning you could have e.g. 4 competitions during a month to run weekly competitions with your Game URL.
How to set up Split Game: Adding monthly time periods to my game
In the selected Game go to Time Period and set a Start - and End Date for your Game
Scroll down to Activate 'Split Game' by switching the toggle to ON
In the popup, set your first Game period
Click on add time period and add the desired number of periods
Add a single time period:
To add a single time period, set the desired End Date after opening the add time period popup.
After that, hit update and the added time period will appear in the table.
Add multiple time periods
To add multiple time periods at once, select Add Time Periods, and in the popup, select Multiple Time Periods.
Select the start date of your second period and add the number of periods you want to create, along with the number of days each period should contain. Please ensure that the start date of the multiple time periods doesn't overlap with the first game period that you created.