Form Parameters
Who can use this feature: Admin, Manager
In Form Parameters, you can create custom data points to use in forms that appear in Games and Game Centers.
How to add a Form Parameter:
Navigate to 'Form Parameters' in Assets & S'ettings'.
Click 'Add Form Parameter' Button
Set an Internal Name. This name will be used your Form settings in Data Collection and in Analytics. Once the name is set, it cannot be changed.
Set the component type your question should have. You can select between Free Text, Dropdown, Radio Buttons or Checkbox.
Depending on what component type you picked, fill in the description or answers the user can select from.
(optional) Select if you want the form parameter to be automatically added to all data collection forms you create in the future.
Click 'Save'. When creating forms and adding parameters in new Games and Game Centers, the Form Parameters you created will be in the list under the Internal Name you set.